After a particularly slow day on Thursday, slow due to the 46C heat,  the overall attendance was a near record. On the Saturday, attendance was well over 10000 people. Our stand was very well sited and gave those manning it maximum opportunity to "sell" the ACC, which the team did to best advantage. Many enquirers had already heard of the ACC,  a refreshing feeling in that knowledge was felt by all and provided more impetus to our efforts.

All of the people whom we were able to engage in conversation were very keen to get a full rundown on the ACC, and many expressed the opinion that they would give positive thought to joining.  So far it seems to have some success with new members already coming in, although it will be some months before we can truly gauge the extent of new membership.


All in all, the show was quite successful, particularly as it was the first effort in Adelaide. The team of volunteers are to be congratulated for the effort they put in, and their enthusiasm for the future of the ACC. It was a pleasure to work with them.
